Upcoming Events Oct 2013.... Nov 2013 Most Popular Event Videos ,PSY Gangnam Style in Penang (2,901,274 views)....Most Popular Event this week Mean Machines 2013 Sexy Babies

Penang 2nd Bridge Expected open in 1st March 2014

Penang Second Bridge open on 1st March 2014?

Monday, January 24, 2011

USM ADWAVE 2011 - Marketing Communication Competition

ADWAVE is celebrating its 14th anniversary, Bigger & Bolder!  ADWAVE, the acronym for Award Winning Advertisement Exhibition is an annual project organized by the final year Persuasive Communication students of the School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). ADWAVE is a project meant to hone the students’ marketing communication skills and put them into practice. Domestic Tourism is the initial subject of ADWAVE 2011 which intents to help incorporating great diversities in the area of cultures, heritages, cuisines, and festivals. The theme created by ADWAVE 2011 is “Colours of Fascination”. Through the theme, we...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chinese New Year Heritage Celebration


Penang Lion Dance Performance @ Chinese New Year 2011

Lion dance (simplified Chinese: 舞狮; traditional Chinese: 舞獅; pinyin: wǔshī) is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture, in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume. The lion dance is often mistaken as dragon dance. An easy way to tell the difference is that a lion is operated by two people, while a dragon needs many people. Also, in a lion dance, the performers' faces are covered, since they are inside the lion. In a dragon dance, the performers can be seen since the dragon is held upon poles. Basic lion dance fundamental movements can be found in most Chinese martial arts. Lion dance will be performed for Chinese festivals...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


兔年跑第一 - 龙飘飘 (卯兔2011年专用) 作词 [黄仁清] 作曲 [黄仁清] 兔年 兔年 嘿 兔年 兔年 嘿 兔年跑第一 第一 呼啦啦呼啦啦呼啦啦啦啦 呼啦啦呼啦啦呼啦啦啦啦 新年到呀兔宝宝 高高兴兴穿起新衣戴新帽 跑跑呀跑 跳跳呀跳 欢欢喜喜拿着红包哈哈笑 嘿唷发财 嘿唷发财 兔宝宝呀兔宝宝呀 不要再睡觉 看谁还有本领和我来赛跑 好多的奖品 珍珠和玛瑙 我要争第一 绝对不要落人后 呼啊呼啊呼啦啦啦啦 呼啊呼啊呼啦啦啦啦 我是一个最努力的最可爱的兔宝宝 呼啦啦呼啦啦呼啦啦啦啦 呼啦啦呼啦啦呼啦啦啦啦 兔宝宝新年好 大年初一是你生日可知道 因为有了你 大家运气好 万事如意 眉笑眼开 乐陶陶 发呀发唷 发呀发唷 市场旺呀 生意好嘛 财神已来到 人气旺呀 股票涨呀步步高 今年景气好 八方进钞票 我的兔宝宝 爱你爱得不得了 呼啊呼啊呼啦啦啦啦 呼啊呼啊呼啦啦啦啦 你是一个福星高照财星围绕兔宝宝 P/S: Please Support the Artist. Buy the Origin...

Tow Boo Kong Temple 斗母宫, Raja Uda Penang

Tow Boo Kong Temple 斗母宫 is located near to the north traffic junction of  Lebuhraya Lingkaran Luar Butterworth and Jalan Raja Uda. Tow Boo Kong Temple 斗母宫 is a Toaist temple in Butterworth with an impressive building  architectural design, which has intricate carvings and sculptures done by 50 craftmen from China. The construction of the temple began in 1996 and was officially completed on the 26th of April 2000 at a cost of 7 Million.  Tow Boo Kong Temple 斗母宫 comprises of three sections which includes the Front Prayer Hall, the Scared Prayer Room and the Dou Mu Prayer Hall.  At the basement of the temple, there is a...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chinese New Year Display of Lights @Penang

 Khoo Kong Si, 龍山堂邱公司 George Town                                                  Kek Lok Si Temple 极乐寺, Air Itam Date: 30 January - 3rd March 2011 (Date subject to change) More photos, click here  Tow Boo Kong 斗母宫, Raja ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

NTV7, TV8 CNY Reunion 178 @ Autocity, Juru Penang


ASTRO Great Day Promo Tour @Queensbay Mall, Penang


988 Chinese New Year Promo Tour@Sunway Carnival Mall


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Penang Channel - a green advertising platform

We are the pioneer in internet video advertisement and publicity ! Also we are the leader in Green Advertising as we do not rely on printing media such as magazine, advertisement booklets, paper flyers, brochures, newspapers, streamers and banners. The mass commercial TV and billboard is simply too costly for the local advertisers. Penang online TV Channel featured video clips are purely local content, cultures, events, business, travels, talents, social works, etc which is happen in domestic. Penang channel is solely created for the benefits of the local audiences and the advantage is also broadcast throughout worldwide. The rise of...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Penang implements No Plastic Bag everyday

From Jan 1 this year, plastic bags will be banned in the Malaysian state of Penang. The ban will apply to all supermarkets, hypermarts, department stores, fast food chain stores and nasi kandar outlets, as well as convenience stores including petrol kiosks and chain stores, The Star newspaper reported. The move is an extension of the current "No Plastic Bag Day" observed by shopping malls and hypermarts in the state three days a week. Shoppers who did not bring their own reusable bags are charged 20 sen ($0.08) for each plastic bag. The ban, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in his Budget speech, will reduce the state's carbon footprint. Chief...

Penang 2011 Countdown Fireworks

Penang most magnificent and beautiful fireworks at Straits Quay. Marking for the prosperous and happiness  for Penangnites entering into year 2011. Enjoy the 5 minutes long video clips fireworks presentati...

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