Upcoming Events Oct 2013.... Nov 2013 Most Popular Event Videos ,PSY Gangnam Style in Penang (2,901,274 views)....Most Popular Event this week Mean Machines 2013 Sexy Babies

Penang 2nd Bridge Expected open in 1st March 2014

Penang Second Bridge open on 1st March 2014?

Penang Gangnam Style fever

The Korean Gangnam style became hot news which took the world by storm. It was reported in international CNN heavily and became the hottest youtube search around the globe. The PSY's Oppa Gangnam Style video hits more than 100 millions view just in a week!

Penang Escape Theme Park

Get a total hassel free weekend to enjoy the exiting rides and fun

Penang Street Art

Some of the Penang streets suddenly become visitors focus and visiting spots. The Ernest Zacharevic is a Lithuanian street artist currently living in George Town, located in the province of Penang, Malaysia has changed the almost dying Penang street back to alive.


洁莹与慧婷出现在槟城著名的购物广场Gurney Paragon 配合Astro Malaysian Music 与周金亮本地歌曲创作歌手一起戴歌戴舞唱《用槟城的沙滩来说爱你》。 歌曲如:《浪花一朵朵》, RASA SAYANG, 《大肚腩》《对面的女孩看过来》《用马来西亚的天气来说爱你》等明歌。。 歌迷饱受演唱的《热浪》气氛。。还有一瓶瓶的沙罐,配合音乐的旋律。。美极力!!

Aphelia 艾菲利亚 - 东方医学,美丽根本

随时將在意的荳荳變不见 只要一筆在手,輕輕一點消除荳荳痕跡,隨時放在包包裡、 鉛筆盒,用於保養、上妆前後,而且感觉溫和舒適,不刺激!

Penang Channel - a green advertising platform

We are the pioneer in internet video advertisement and publicity ! Also we are the leader in Green Advertising as we do not used printing media such as magazine, advertisement booklets, paper flyers, brochures, newspapers, streamers and banners.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Redknot Wedding Gifts and Auspicious Services

Welcome to RED KNOT! This is a one-stop wedding accessories & gifts  shop for all your wedding needs. Bringing you all auspicious services included!

According to the Chinese legend, the fatherly God-In-The-Moonlight ties a red string around the ankles of the man and woman who are destined to be husband and wife someday. Thus, no matter how far apart they are, they will eventually meet and tie the knot!
And here you are, thinking of having a perfect and joyous yet hassle-free wedding with your loved one despite of your busy schedule at work? Fred NOT when you have RED KNOT! That’s why we at Red Knot are here to solve all your wedding problems thus ensuring a perfect and unforgettable wedding for every newly weds.
At Red Knot, we strive to provide you with the best customer care available. We specialize in Chinese wedding customary gifts and accessories for the bride and groom, betrothal gift, dowry, bed setting accessories, traditional wedding cake, traditional wedding gown rental, wedding day video recording and photographing. To further add on to our line of business, we also deal with services like selection of auspicious date, wedding card printing, hiring of “Tai Come Jie”, bridal make-up, awning & canopy and catering / buffet. Hence, we are more than just an ordinary shop selling wedding items only.
In fact, we help in offering free consultation servicesto the brides and grooms-to-be and serve as a one-stop wedding shop in getting everything prepared for their Betrothal Ceremony, Bed Setting Ceremony, Hair Dressing Ceremony and the Wedding Day.
All in all, you can be assured that you will get great products and ultimate satisfaction for your beautiful and memorable wedding.

婚礼,是很多人生命中珍贵的第一次,每一对新人,都想为自己打造一 个超完美的婚礼,可是在没有专业婚礼顾问的明确指标下,新人在筹备婚礼过程中,已被那繁琐的程度折磨得精疲力尽,喜事顿成烦事。有个深受其苦的新娘,在婚 后才发现国外早就有一站式的婚礼服务,具行销管理概念的她,看中了块国内未经开垦的商田,她毅然放下打拼多年的事业,全心投入这门事业。她说,每天感受新 人的幸福心情,她也变得很快乐,纵然为此放弃了打拼许久的事业,但一切都是值得的。

婚 礼是一项人生大事,只是现代新人对传统婚礼一窍不通,筹办过程那繁复琐碎的事情,实在教人心烦。从择日到寻找大妗姐,从四处张罗结婚用品到订制结婚礼饼, 新人就像是盲头苍蝇一般到处奔波,很多被这过程折磨身心俱累的新人都在想:多希望有个提供专业咨询、打理婚礼的服务行业,那我们就可以轻松愉快地迎接自己 的大日子了!
槟岛第一家一站式结婚、喜庆专门店——“喜悦之家”的创办人沛慈(Carmen),就是曾经有过这样念头的新娘,三年前,她在 准备自己的婚礼时,就发现岛内许多婚礼业者所提供的服务都是“各自为政”,没有业者能结合一切,提供新人一站式的服务,如协助新人搜寻婚礼服务、采购结婚 商品等等。
“要顺利地一气呵成完成终身大事,根本是天方夜谭。”Carmen苦笑说,当时还在一家国际电子工业公司内担任行销管理的工作, 平日下班后已是已经累得瘫软,但是还是得打起精神,到处奔波张罗婚礼事宜,让她疲于奔命。

从 择日、摄影、寻找大妗姐、采购婚礼用品、喜帖、喜饼到结婚宴客等,她和丈夫都必须一手包办,非常耗费心神。她打个比喻说,当时她单是要找大妗姐,就为了配 合档期一事忙得晕头转向。过后她想要租用裙褂,可是跑遍了槟岛,还是找不到合意的款式。
“有时候下班后,想要要找相关店铺采购用品,可店家 都已经打烊。而为了比价,我也必须多跑几家店铺,结果为了一个婚礼,我和丈夫都累昏了。”谈起那时候的苦况,她仍记忆犹新。当时候,她多么期待有一门服 务,可以帮她打理一切,让她和丈夫能从繁琐的结婚程序中解救出来。
在筹备婚礼过程期间,Carmen多次被公司委派到中港台公干,在公干之 余的空档,她在当地闲逛时,发现国外都有专业的婚礼顾问行业,提供一个整合婚礼商品及周边服务资讯的平台,协助新人轻松采购结婚商品、搜寻婚礼服务的专业 服务。
“这就像是一个婚礼指南针嘛!要是槟岛也有这样的服务,那我就不用这么辛苦啦!”当时候,她多么羡慕当地的新人,可以靠着这个平台, 轻松地、安心地等着幸福婚礼的到来。当下,在市场管理业界打滚多年的她,就有了将国外专业的婚礼顾问概念引进槟岛的想法。
看中了这一新兴行 业的市场商机,婚后的Carmen更留意国外的相关市场动向,也勤于参考相关业者的行销方式。一年前,她开始拟定一套结婚消费市场商家与新人的互动机制平 台,预计把新娘嫁妆、过大礼礼品、上头用品、安床用品、礼饼订制、结婚择日、结婚制品、摄影、大妗姐、裙褂租售等结合成一站式服务。
辞 去稳定工作自创业

为了打造这家一站式结婚、喜庆专门店--“喜悦之家”,她毅然辞去自己辛苦打拼多年、已经平步青云的事 业。“老实说,当时是真的有点挣扎,因为已趋事业稳定的状态,而且又有了家庭,可是为了这个梦想,我只好在稳定生活和创业之间做了抉择。”Carmen淡 笑地表示。
“我考察了这门行业数年,非常确定这就是我真正想要的工作,没有甚么事情,能够比每天都沉浸在喜事里工作更快乐。所以我的挣扎期 并没有持续很久,呵呵。”Carmen笑道:“尤其是开业后,客人猛拉著我说:‘你怎么不早点开这家店啊!这里提供的服务真的很齐全,我都不用到处找了, 真是帮了我好大的忙!’有了客人的正面反馈意见,我更加觉得,我的选择是对的。”
“喜悦之家”开业不及一季,Carmen也是数个月前才辞 去工作,因此在筹备这家店时,她都是一边忙工作,一边筹备创业事宜,虽然很辛苦,但是这是梦想起飞的准备,她说,她从筹备工作到开业后,每天都忙得很快 乐。尤其是看到一对对的新人把婚礼事宜交托给她后,如释重负地快乐心情,她更是觉得这个平台是确是一个带给新人喜上加喜的桥梁。天天做着这么欢喜的工作, 喜气满满的氛围,她说:“沾染了新人的喜气,每天的工作心情都是喜悦的呢!”

“喜 悦之家”提供的一站式服务,Carmen会与新人面对面会谈,替新人做个人化的分析建议,细心地与新人讨论最合适的婚礼服务内容,再弹性地安排适合新人的 配套服务,就连结婚礼俗的咨询与采购,在“喜悦之家”都能一站式办妥。
除了婚礼配套服务,“喜悦之家”也提供了传统礼俗用品、嫁妆礼品、婚 礼用品及周边用品,如喜糖袋,结婚礼物及伴手礼,中式的新娘新郎服饰,甚至是中西式喜帖设计印刷,绝对让客人轻轻松松结婚去,而不需要像以前一样,必须全 岛跑透透,还找不到婚礼需要的物品。
为了让新人有更多选择,Carmen还特地从国外进口许多本地找不到的新颖婚礼用品,也找了很多本地人爱用的传统用品,甚至是香烛,三代衣等祭拜先 人的用品,做到新旧兼顾。而为了让服务臻至完美,“喜悦之家”除了有代订礼饼的服务,他们甚至会再加工包装礼 饼,务求把礼饼包装得更有喜气,让收下礼饼者喜上眉梢。

下聘、迎娶仪式又在婚礼中扮演著不可或缺的环节,未婚前,年轻的Carmen和丈夫都搞不清楚,父母对习俗也是一知半解,所以她最后只能大概凑合大 家的意见。她深知现 代人都不太懂得结婚礼俗,因此在决定创业后,她就开始通过接受婚礼流程、婚俗等一系列培训,来丰富自己的相关知识。
传统婚礼的礼俗每个枝节 都包含著诚挚的祝福,每个地方的结婚礼俗,又因民情风俗而有所不同。传统迎娶的仪式五花八门,Carmen除了专程远赴香港,上了一门专给大妗姐与婚礼秘 书上的专业课程,回国后也到处请教各地的大妗姐,务求可以提供专业的婚俗资讯予不同籍贯的新人。
Source from Kwang Wah News Paper

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bripex 2012 - Bridal Expo Penang

The biggest Bridal & Photo Exhibition (BRIPEX) in the Northern Region is back again and to be held at PISA for the 4th consecutive year. This fair organized by Persatuan Juru-Juru Gambar Pulau Pinang had been receiving overwhelming response since its inception in year 2009.

Acknowledged as a Penang Trade Events 2012, BRIPEX is a must visit event of the year and provides the most comprehensive range of wedding packages, photography products and activities lined up with loads of fabulous deals, fantastic freebies, exciting activities and lucky draws.

All the well-known camera manufacturers like, Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Olympus, Panasonic, Sony and Samsung will showcase the latest digital cameras (including mirror less cameras), videos, lenses, accessories and photo printing technology at the fair with fantastic freebies, discount on bulk purchase and PWP.

For those planning on tying the knot, this will be an excellent place to check out the latest wedding packages of international standard from the fifteen (15) major bridal houses with fantastic and fabulous deals.

Check out with the participating Hotels for pillar-less ballroom that can cater 170 tables for banquet wedding, wedding by the pool or beach, bachelor night and tea ceremony. Packages come with honeymoon suite and wedding anniversary stay.

Over RM30,000 cash and prizes to be won during the 3 days’ fair.

Event: Bridal & Photo Exhibition 2012 (BRIPEX)

Venue: Penang International Sports Area (PISA)
Jalan Tun Dr. Awang, 11900 Penang

Date: 27 to 29 April 2012 (3 days – Friday to Sunday)

Time: 11am to 9pm

Find out the itinerary, click here 

1. Bripex (Bridal, Photography, Expo)

Video 1 - Redknot 喜悦之家 'Qun Kwa - 《裙褂》传统婚礼服show Part 1 (featured)

 Redknot 喜悦之家 'Qun Kwa - 《裙褂》传统婚礼服show Part 2 (featured)

Video 2 - De Santia Bridal Show (latest)

Video 3 - ANOVIA Bridal Show 1 (国际影视红星 吴天瑜Debbie Goh及多位大马美后与著名为影视艺人联合呈现) - (latest)

ESUI Feminine Hygiene Wash

Dedicated towards in creating premium, natural products that are made particularly to meet women's needs, Esui® being associated with a pharmaceutical manufacturer in France, which has 43-year of reputation of producing premium pharmaceutical prescription generic branded drugs and products globally.
Our company uses the concept of "Love and Harmony" as our policy. In order for today's women to lead a healthier and more intimate life-style.

Name:  ESUI Feminine Hygiene Wash
Tel:  04-826 3491 / 012-421 6767
Address:  11, Jalan Lintang Lumba Kuda 1, Ayer Itam 11400 Penang, Malaysia
Email:  albert@esui.com.my
Website:  http://www.esui.com.my


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Aphelia 艾菲利亚 - 东方医学,美丽根本

Aphelia 艾菲利亚 东方医学,美丽根本
The Rule of Beauty Let Nature Take Its Course
回归美丽之道 一切顺其自然

自然而然 , 不断美丽

一个传承东方智慧,以西方科技呵护的品牌-Aphelia 艾菲利亚

Aphelia 艾菲利亚系列产品研发团队,由杰出的中医师,皮肤医学家,生化医学家组成,


LocationD' Piazza Mall , No. 70-3-44, Jalan Mahsuri,, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Malaysia

AwardsSGS Taiwan Ltd

ProductsSkin Care Product

Contact Info




Video Sponsored by Aphelia


Friday, April 13, 2012

NTV7 Yuan Carnival 圆游会- AutoCity Juru Penang

Event details, click Auto-City Juru
Photo Gallery, please go to Penang iChannel FaceBook or click here 
Full Video Gallery, please visit Penang iChannel or click here 

 Videos Gallery




                                                                    Artists of the day






                                                         《神机妙算刘伯温》 Eric 黄少祺

                                          《神机妙算刘伯温》 Margaret王宇婕
                                                    《神机妙算刘伯温》 Margaret王宇婕

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vogue For Virtue - Charity Fashion Show

Catch top celebrities, Amber Chia, Elaine Daly, Carmen Soo, Steve Yap and Hansen Lee as they showcase the latest spring-summer trends in a night of glamour and glitter on the runway of Vogue for Virtue 2012 Charity Fashion Show, Queensbay Mall Penang in a support of charity!

Vogue For Virtue - Charity Fashion Show 2012
Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Video Part 3

Video Part 4

Video Part 5

Video Part 6

Video Part 7

Vogue For Virtue - Charity Fashion Show 2011

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Video Part 3

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